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Pathy's principles and practice of geriatric medicine / [electronic resource]

by Sinclair, Alan (Alan J.); Wiley InterScience (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012Edition: 5th ed.Description: 1 online resource (1 volume).ISBN: 9781119952930; 111995293X; 9780470683934; 0470683937; 9781119952947; 1119952948.Other title: Principles and practice of geriatric medicine.Subject(s): Geriatrics -- Methodology | Geriatrie | Electronic booksOnline resources: Wiley Online Library
Front Matter -- Colour Plates -- Introduction: Historical Perspectives / Michael J Denham, John E Morley -- Ageing: Biological, Social and Community Perspectives. A Biological Perspective of Ageing / H James Armbrecht -- The Demography of Ageing / Kenneth G Manton, John E Morley -- The Physiology of Ageing / Rafi T Kevorkian, John E Morley -- Psychological Aspects of Ageing / Peggy A Szwabo -- Ageing of the Brain / Jean-Fraṅois Ďmonet, Pierre Celsis -- Epidemiology of Ageing and Disability / Lenise A Cummings-Vaughn -- Social and Community Aspects of Ageing / John E Morley, Nina Tumosa -- The Developmental Origins of Ageing / Avan Aihie Sayer, Cyrus Cooper -- Sexuality and Ageing / John E Morley, Debbie T Tolson -- Physical Fitness and Exercise / Maria A Fiatarone Singh, John E Morley -- Health Literacy and Cultural Sensitivity / Nina Tumosa -- Medicine and Prescribing in Old Age.
Preventive Geriatrics / Gerald M Mahon, Joseph H Flaherty, Suzanne M Mahon -- Polypharmacy / Oscar A Cepeda, John E Morley -- Patient Safety / Susannah Long, Charles Vincent -- Epidemiology of Nutrition and Ageing / Wija A van Staveren, Lisette C P G M de Groot -- The Anorexia of Ageing / Ian M Chapman -- Weight Loss / David R Thomas -- Dehydration / David R Thomas -- Vitamins and Minerals / Seema Joshi, John E Morley -- Obesity / Joan Khoo, Richard Y T Chen, Gary A Wittert -- Changes in Gastrointestinal Motor and Sensory Function Associated with Ageing / Christopher K Rayner, Michael Horowitz -- Gastrointestinal Bleeding / Syed H Tariq -- Liver and Gall Bladder / Margaret-Mary G Wilson -- Sphincter Function / Syed H Tariq -- Constipation / Charlene M Prather -- Management of Diarrhoea / Lenise A Cummings-Vaughn -- Diseases of the Pancreas / John S Morris, John E Morley -- Anaemia / Anjali S Kamat, David R Thomas -- Disorders of Haemostasis / Kingsley K Hampton -- Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation / Kingsley K Hampton -- Anticoagulants / Hamsaraj G M Shetty, Philip A Routledge -- Myelodysplasia / Martha Wadleigh, David S Rosenthal, Richard M Stone -- Management of Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Acute Leukaemia / Heidi D Klepin, Bayard L Powell -- Epidemiology of Heart Disease / Ahmed H Abdelhafiz -- Cardiac Ageing and Systemic Disorders / David J Stott, Terence J Quinn -- Arrhythmias / Abhay Bajpai, A John Camm -- Ischaemic Heart Disease / Wilbert S Aronow -- Lipid Management / Adie Viljoen, Anthony S Wierzbicki -- Hypotension / Suraj Alakkassery -- Hypertension / Anthony S Wierzbicki, Adie Viljoen -- Heart Failure / Michael W Rich -- Cardiac Surgery / Ulrich O von Oppell, Adam Szafranek -- Peripheral Arterial Disease / Leocadio Rodr̕guez Manas, Marta Castro Rodr̕guez, Cristina Alonso Bouz̤n -- Venous Thromboembolism / Gordon D O Lowe -- Cardiac Rehabilitation / Niccoḷ Marchionni, Francesco Fattirolli, Francesco Orso, Marco Baccini, Lucio A Rinaldi, Giulio Masotti -- Epidemiology of Respiratory Infection / Joseph M Mylotte -- Pneumonia / Jo︠l Belmin -- Aspiration Pneumonia / Takashi Ohrui, Hiroyuki Arai -- Interstitial Lung Disease and Lung Cancer / Christopher Dyer -- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Asthma / Christopher Dyer -- Pulmonary Hypertension / Dennis J Shale -- Pulmonary Rehabilitation / Peter Spiegler, Jonathan Ilowite -- Neurological Signs of Ageing / Andrew J Larner -- Sleep Apnoea and Sleep Disorders / Paul Montgomery, Lindsay Dianne Shepard -- Headache / Stephen D Silberstein, William B Young -- Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus / Dennis S Oh, Peter McL Black -- Acute Stroke Care and Management of Carotid Artery Stenosis / David Doig, Martin M Brown -- Stroke and Stroke Rehabilitation / Lalit Kalra -- Communication Disorders and Dysphagia / Pamela M Enderby -- Acute and Chronic Subdural Haematoma / Eric Schmidt, Emmanuel Moyse -- Epilepsy / Pamela M Crawford -- Syncope and Non-Epileptic Attacks / Richard C Roberts -- Parkinson's Disease / Joel Belmin -- Non-Parkinsonian Movement Disorders / Katie Kompoliti, Cynthia L Comella -- Diabetic Neuropathy / Aaron I Vinik, Elsa S Strotmeyer -- Disorders of the Neuromuscular Junction / Sivakumar Sathasivam, Andrew J Larner -- Muscle Disorders / David Hilton-Jones -- Motor Neurone Disease / Hardev S Pall -- Control of Chronic Pain / Robert D Helme, Benny Katz -- Multiple Sclerosis / Florian P Thomas -- Delirium / Joseph H Flaherty -- Memory Clinics / Antony Bayer -- Alzheimer's Disease / James E Galvin -- Mild Cognitive Impairment / Eric G Tangalos, Ronald C Petersen -- Vascular Dementia / Marie-Laure Seux -- Mental Stimulation and Dementia / Joe Verghese -- Exercise and Dementia / Yves Rolland -- Drug Development and Alzheimer's Disease / Julien Delrieu, Antoine Piau, Bruno Vellas -- Other Dementias / Wee Shiong Lim -- Treatment of Behavioural Disorders / Ladislav Volicer -- Geriatric Psychiatry / Abhilash K Desai, George T Grossberg -- Organization of Services in Geriatric Psychiatry / Susan Mary Benbow, David Jolley -- Depression in Later Life: Aetiology, Epidemiology, Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment / Natalie Sachs-Ericsson, Dan G Blazer -- The Older Patient with Down Syndrome / John E Morley -- Disorders of the Eye / Nina Tumosa -- The Ageing Auditory System -- Pathology and Epidemiology of Age-Related Hearing Loss / Mathieu Marx, Olivier Deguine -- Disorders of the Vestibular System / Charlotte Agrup, Linda M Luxon -- Smell and Taste / Richard L Doty -- Paget's Disease of Bone / Horace M Perry -- Management of Osteoporosis; Its Consequences: A Major Threat to Quality of Life / Roger M Francis -- Gait, Balance and Falls / Dulce M Cruz-Oliver -- Foot Problems / Arthur E Helfand, Donald F Jessett -- Hip Fracture and Orthogeriatrics / Christine Lafont -- Diseases of the Joints / Terry L Moore -- Endocrinology of Ageing / John E Morley, Kim J Moon -- Water and Electrolyte Balances in Ageing / Stewart G Albert -- The Pituitary Gland / James F Lamb, John E Morley -- Thyroid Disorders / Ligia J Dominguez, Mario Belvedere, Mario Barbagallo -- Ovarian Function and Menopause / Nicola Pluchino, Tommaso Simoncini, Andrea R Genazzani -- Testicular Function / Nazem Bassil -- Diabetes Mellitus / Alan J Sinclair, Graydon S Meneilly -- New Therapies for Diabetes Mellitus / George T Griffing -- Gynaecology and the Older Patient / Radha Indusekhar, Fidelma O'Mahony, P M Shaughn O'Brien -- The Ageing Bladder / James M Cummings, Kimberly C Berni -- Prostate Diseases / Clement Gaudin, Nicolas Doumerc, Loic Mourey, Stephane Gerard, Laurent Balardy -- Urinary Incontinence / Ramzi R Hajjar -- Geriatric Nephrology / Carlos G Musso, Dimitrios G Oreopoulos -- Cancer and Ageing / Tanya M Wildes -- Oncological Emergencies / Chantal Bernard-Marty, Clement Gaudin, Stephane Gerard, Laurent Balardy -- Breast Cancer / Robert E Mansel, Bedanta P Baruah -- Maintaining Functional Status / Miriam B Rodin -- Multidimensional Geriatric Assessment / Laurence Z Rubenstein, Andreas E Stuck -- Frailty / John E Morley -- Rehabilitation / Michael Watts, Paul Finucane -- Tuberculosis / Shobita Rajagopalan, Thomas T Yoshikawa -- Valvular Heart Disease and Infective Endocarditis / Aneil Malhotra, Sam Dawkins, Bernard D Prendergast -- Infections of the Central Nervous System / Michael Blank, Allan R Tunkel -- Elder Abuse: A UK Perspective / Claudia Cooper, Gill Livingston -- Good Quality Care: Abuse / Jean-Pierre Aquino, Genevïve Ruault -- Alcohol Consumption and Cognition / Luc Letenneur, Jean-Fraṅois Dartigues -- Drug Misuse and the Older Person: A Contradiction in Terms? / Antoine Piau, Fatima Nourhashemi -- The Use and Abuse of Prescribed Medicines / Abdi Sanati, Mohammed T Abou-Saleh -- Transportation, Driving and Older Adults / Desmond O'Neill, David Carr -- Smart Homes / Roger Orpwood -- Skin Disorders / Robert A Norman, Jaffer Babaa -- The Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers / David R Thomas -- Perioperative and Postoperative Medical Assessment / Milta Oyola Little -- Anaesthesia / Suzanne Crowe -- Health Issues in the Ageing Female / Carolyn D Philpot -- Antiageing Strategies / Ligia J Dominguez, Mario Barbagallo -- Ethics in Geriatric Medicine / Fraṅois Blanchard -- Participation of Older People in Clinical Trials / Nicola Coley, Sandrine Andrieu -- Restraints and Immobility / Elizabeth A Capezuti, Laura M Wagner, Kathleen C Reid -- Centenarians / Thomas T Perls -- End-of-Life and Palliative Care / Rachelle E Bernacki, Ryan Westhoff, Miguel A Paniagua -- End-of-Life Care: Special Issues / Victoria J Wheatley, Ilora G Finlay -- Global Healthcare Systems.
Improving Quality of Care / Julie K Gammack, Carolyn D Philpot -- Clinical Audit of Healthcare / Rhona Buckingham, Jonathan Potter, Adrian Wagg -- Carers and the Role of the Family / Jo Moriarty -- Nursing Home Care / David R Thomas, Yves Rolland, John E Morley -- Geriatric Occupational Therapy: Achieving Quality in Daily Living / Karen F Barney -- Geriatric Medicine Education in Europe and the United States / Antonio Cherubini, Philippe Huber, Jean-Pierre Michel, Miguel A Paniagua -- Systems of Healthcare: The United States / Julie K Gammack -- Systems of Healthcare: Australia / Gideon A Caplan -- Systems of Healthcare: The United Kingdom / Simon Conroy -- Geriatric Medicine in China / Leung-Wing Chu -- Ageing in Developing Countries / Renato Maia Guimar̂aes -- Geriatric Medicine in the European Union: Towards Unification of Diversity / Alfonso J Cruz-Jentoft -- Appendix: Function Assessment Scales.
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Previous edition: published as Principles and practice of geriatric medicine. Chichester: Wiley, 2006.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Front Matter -- Colour Plates -- Introduction: Historical Perspectives / Michael J Denham, John E Morley -- Ageing: Biological, Social and Community Perspectives. A Biological Perspective of Ageing / H James Armbrecht -- The Demography of Ageing / Kenneth G Manton, John E Morley -- The Physiology of Ageing / Rafi T Kevorkian, John E Morley -- Psychological Aspects of Ageing / Peggy A Szwabo -- Ageing of the Brain / Jean-Fraṅois Ďmonet, Pierre Celsis -- Epidemiology of Ageing and Disability / Lenise A Cummings-Vaughn -- Social and Community Aspects of Ageing / John E Morley, Nina Tumosa -- The Developmental Origins of Ageing / Avan Aihie Sayer, Cyrus Cooper -- Sexuality and Ageing / John E Morley, Debbie T Tolson -- Physical Fitness and Exercise / Maria A Fiatarone Singh, John E Morley -- Health Literacy and Cultural Sensitivity / Nina Tumosa -- Medicine and Prescribing in Old Age.

Preventive Geriatrics / Gerald M Mahon, Joseph H Flaherty, Suzanne M Mahon -- Polypharmacy / Oscar A Cepeda, John E Morley -- Patient Safety / Susannah Long, Charles Vincent -- Epidemiology of Nutrition and Ageing / Wija A van Staveren, Lisette C P G M de Groot -- The Anorexia of Ageing / Ian M Chapman -- Weight Loss / David R Thomas -- Dehydration / David R Thomas -- Vitamins and Minerals / Seema Joshi, John E Morley -- Obesity / Joan Khoo, Richard Y T Chen, Gary A Wittert -- Changes in Gastrointestinal Motor and Sensory Function Associated with Ageing / Christopher K Rayner, Michael Horowitz -- Gastrointestinal Bleeding / Syed H Tariq -- Liver and Gall Bladder / Margaret-Mary G Wilson -- Sphincter Function / Syed H Tariq -- Constipation / Charlene M Prather -- Management of Diarrhoea / Lenise A Cummings-Vaughn -- Diseases of the Pancreas / John S Morris, John E Morley -- Anaemia / Anjali S Kamat, David R Thomas -- Disorders of Haemostasis / Kingsley K Hampton -- Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation / Kingsley K Hampton -- Anticoagulants / Hamsaraj G M Shetty, Philip A Routledge -- Myelodysplasia / Martha Wadleigh, David S Rosenthal, Richard M Stone -- Management of Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Acute Leukaemia / Heidi D Klepin, Bayard L Powell -- Epidemiology of Heart Disease / Ahmed H Abdelhafiz -- Cardiac Ageing and Systemic Disorders / David J Stott, Terence J Quinn -- Arrhythmias / Abhay Bajpai, A John Camm -- Ischaemic Heart Disease / Wilbert S Aronow -- Lipid Management / Adie Viljoen, Anthony S Wierzbicki -- Hypotension / Suraj Alakkassery -- Hypertension / Anthony S Wierzbicki, Adie Viljoen -- Heart Failure / Michael W Rich -- Cardiac Surgery / Ulrich O von Oppell, Adam Szafranek -- Peripheral Arterial Disease / Leocadio Rodr̕guez Manas, Marta Castro Rodr̕guez, Cristina Alonso Bouz̤n -- Venous Thromboembolism / Gordon D O Lowe -- Cardiac Rehabilitation / Niccoḷ Marchionni, Francesco Fattirolli, Francesco Orso, Marco Baccini, Lucio A Rinaldi, Giulio Masotti -- Epidemiology of Respiratory Infection / Joseph M Mylotte -- Pneumonia / Jo︠l Belmin -- Aspiration Pneumonia / Takashi Ohrui, Hiroyuki Arai -- Interstitial Lung Disease and Lung Cancer / Christopher Dyer -- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Asthma / Christopher Dyer -- Pulmonary Hypertension / Dennis J Shale -- Pulmonary Rehabilitation / Peter Spiegler, Jonathan Ilowite -- Neurological Signs of Ageing / Andrew J Larner -- Sleep Apnoea and Sleep Disorders / Paul Montgomery, Lindsay Dianne Shepard -- Headache / Stephen D Silberstein, William B Young -- Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus / Dennis S Oh, Peter McL Black -- Acute Stroke Care and Management of Carotid Artery Stenosis / David Doig, Martin M Brown -- Stroke and Stroke Rehabilitation / Lalit Kalra -- Communication Disorders and Dysphagia / Pamela M Enderby -- Acute and Chronic Subdural Haematoma / Eric Schmidt, Emmanuel Moyse -- Epilepsy / Pamela M Crawford -- Syncope and Non-Epileptic Attacks / Richard C Roberts -- Parkinson's Disease / Joel Belmin -- Non-Parkinsonian Movement Disorders / Katie Kompoliti, Cynthia L Comella -- Diabetic Neuropathy / Aaron I Vinik, Elsa S Strotmeyer -- Disorders of the Neuromuscular Junction / Sivakumar Sathasivam, Andrew J Larner -- Muscle Disorders / David Hilton-Jones -- Motor Neurone Disease / Hardev S Pall -- Control of Chronic Pain / Robert D Helme, Benny Katz -- Multiple Sclerosis / Florian P Thomas -- Delirium / Joseph H Flaherty -- Memory Clinics / Antony Bayer -- Alzheimer's Disease / James E Galvin -- Mild Cognitive Impairment / Eric G Tangalos, Ronald C Petersen -- Vascular Dementia / Marie-Laure Seux -- Mental Stimulation and Dementia / Joe Verghese -- Exercise and Dementia / Yves Rolland -- Drug Development and Alzheimer's Disease / Julien Delrieu, Antoine Piau, Bruno Vellas -- Other Dementias / Wee Shiong Lim -- Treatment of Behavioural Disorders / Ladislav Volicer -- Geriatric Psychiatry / Abhilash K Desai, George T Grossberg -- Organization of Services in Geriatric Psychiatry / Susan Mary Benbow, David Jolley -- Depression in Later Life: Aetiology, Epidemiology, Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment / Natalie Sachs-Ericsson, Dan G Blazer -- The Older Patient with Down Syndrome / John E Morley -- Disorders of the Eye / Nina Tumosa -- The Ageing Auditory System -- Pathology and Epidemiology of Age-Related Hearing Loss / Mathieu Marx, Olivier Deguine -- Disorders of the Vestibular System / Charlotte Agrup, Linda M Luxon -- Smell and Taste / Richard L Doty -- Paget's Disease of Bone / Horace M Perry -- Management of Osteoporosis; Its Consequences: A Major Threat to Quality of Life / Roger M Francis -- Gait, Balance and Falls / Dulce M Cruz-Oliver -- Foot Problems / Arthur E Helfand, Donald F Jessett -- Hip Fracture and Orthogeriatrics / Christine Lafont -- Diseases of the Joints / Terry L Moore -- Endocrinology of Ageing / John E Morley, Kim J Moon -- Water and Electrolyte Balances in Ageing / Stewart G Albert -- The Pituitary Gland / James F Lamb, John E Morley -- Thyroid Disorders / Ligia J Dominguez, Mario Belvedere, Mario Barbagallo -- Ovarian Function and Menopause / Nicola Pluchino, Tommaso Simoncini, Andrea R Genazzani -- Testicular Function / Nazem Bassil -- Diabetes Mellitus / Alan J Sinclair, Graydon S Meneilly -- New Therapies for Diabetes Mellitus / George T Griffing -- Gynaecology and the Older Patient / Radha Indusekhar, Fidelma O'Mahony, P M Shaughn O'Brien -- The Ageing Bladder / James M Cummings, Kimberly C Berni -- Prostate Diseases / Clement Gaudin, Nicolas Doumerc, Loic Mourey, Stephane Gerard, Laurent Balardy -- Urinary Incontinence / Ramzi R Hajjar -- Geriatric Nephrology / Carlos G Musso, Dimitrios G Oreopoulos -- Cancer and Ageing / Tanya M Wildes -- Oncological Emergencies / Chantal Bernard-Marty, Clement Gaudin, Stephane Gerard, Laurent Balardy -- Breast Cancer / Robert E Mansel, Bedanta P Baruah -- Maintaining Functional Status / Miriam B Rodin -- Multidimensional Geriatric Assessment / Laurence Z Rubenstein, Andreas E Stuck -- Frailty / John E Morley -- Rehabilitation / Michael Watts, Paul Finucane -- Tuberculosis / Shobita Rajagopalan, Thomas T Yoshikawa -- Valvular Heart Disease and Infective Endocarditis / Aneil Malhotra, Sam Dawkins, Bernard D Prendergast -- Infections of the Central Nervous System / Michael Blank, Allan R Tunkel -- Elder Abuse: A UK Perspective / Claudia Cooper, Gill Livingston -- Good Quality Care: Abuse / Jean-Pierre Aquino, Genevïve Ruault -- Alcohol Consumption and Cognition / Luc Letenneur, Jean-Fraṅois Dartigues -- Drug Misuse and the Older Person: A Contradiction in Terms? / Antoine Piau, Fatima Nourhashemi -- The Use and Abuse of Prescribed Medicines / Abdi Sanati, Mohammed T Abou-Saleh -- Transportation, Driving and Older Adults / Desmond O'Neill, David Carr -- Smart Homes / Roger Orpwood -- Skin Disorders / Robert A Norman, Jaffer Babaa -- The Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers / David R Thomas -- Perioperative and Postoperative Medical Assessment / Milta Oyola Little -- Anaesthesia / Suzanne Crowe -- Health Issues in the Ageing Female / Carolyn D Philpot -- Antiageing Strategies / Ligia J Dominguez, Mario Barbagallo -- Ethics in Geriatric Medicine / Fraṅois Blanchard -- Participation of Older People in Clinical Trials / Nicola Coley, Sandrine Andrieu -- Restraints and Immobility / Elizabeth A Capezuti, Laura M Wagner, Kathleen C Reid -- Centenarians / Thomas T Perls -- End-of-Life and Palliative Care / Rachelle E Bernacki, Ryan Westhoff, Miguel A Paniagua -- End-of-Life Care: Special Issues / Victoria J Wheatley, Ilora G Finlay -- Global Healthcare Systems.

Improving Quality of Care / Julie K Gammack, Carolyn D Philpot -- Clinical Audit of Healthcare / Rhona Buckingham, Jonathan Potter, Adrian Wagg -- Carers and the Role of the Family / Jo Moriarty -- Nursing Home Care / David R Thomas, Yves Rolland, John E Morley -- Geriatric Occupational Therapy: Achieving Quality in Daily Living / Karen F Barney -- Geriatric Medicine Education in Europe and the United States / Antonio Cherubini, Philippe Huber, Jean-Pierre Michel, Miguel A Paniagua -- Systems of Healthcare: The United States / Julie K Gammack -- Systems of Healthcare: Australia / Gideon A Caplan -- Systems of Healthcare: The United Kingdom / Simon Conroy -- Geriatric Medicine in China / Leung-Wing Chu -- Ageing in Developing Countries / Renato Maia Guimar̂aes -- Geriatric Medicine in the European Union: Towards Unification of Diversity / Alfonso J Cruz-Jentoft -- Appendix: Function Assessment Scales.

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