Graphene and carbon nanotubes : ultrafast relaxation dynamics and optics / [electronic resource]
by Malic, Ermin; Knorr, Andreas (Physicist); Winnerl, Stephan.
Material type:
4.6.2 Isotropic Carrier Distribution.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes; Contents; Preface; 1 Introduction -- The Carbon Age; 1.1 Graphene; 1.2 Carbon Nanotubes; 2 Theoretical Framework; 2.1 Many-Particle Hamilton Operator; 2.2 Microscopic Bloch Equations; 2.2.1 Hartree-Fock Approximation; 2.2.2 Second-Order Born-Markov Approximation; 2.2.3 Many-Particle Dephasing; 2.3 Electronic Band Structure of Graphene; 2.3.1 Structure and Symmetry of Graphene; 2.3.2 Tight-Binding Approach; 2.4 Electronic Band Structure of Carbon Nanotubes; 2.4.1 Structure and Symmetry of CNTs; 2.4.2 Zone-Folding Approximation; 2.4.3 Nanotube Families.
2.4.4 Trigonal Warping Effect2.4.5 Density of States; 2.5 Optical Matrix Element; 2.5.1 Graphene; 2.5.2 Carbon Nanotubes; 2.6 Coulomb Matrix Elements; 2.6.1 Graphene; 2.6.2 Carbon Nanotubes: Regularized Coulomb Potential; 2.7 Electron-Phonon Matrix Elements; 2.7.1 Graphene: Kohn Anomalies; 2.7.2 Carbon Nanotubes; 2.8 Macroscopic Observables; 2.8.1 Absorption Coefficient; 2.8.2 Differential Transmission; 3 Experimental Techniques for the Study of Ultrafast Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics in Graphene; 3.1 The Principle of Pump-Probe Experiments; 3.1.1 Introduction to the Technique.
3.1.2 Technical Realization of Pump-Probe Experiments3.1.3 Temporal Resolution; 3.1.4 Artifacts in Pump-Probe Signals; 3.2 Characteristics of Short Radiation Pulses; 3.2.1 The Fourier Limit; 3.2.2 Auto-Correlation as a Technique to Characterize Short Radiation Pulses; 3.2.3 Chirped Pulses; 3.3 Sources of Short Infrared and Terahertz Radiation Pulses; 3.3.1 The Titanium-Sapphire Laser; 3.3.2 Optical Parametric Generation and Amplification; 3.3.3 Difference-Frequency Generation; 3.3.4 Generation of Single-Cycle Terahertz Radiation with Photoconductive Antennas; 3.3.5 The Free-Electron Laser.
3.3.6 Generation of a Femtosecond White-Light Continuum3.4 Single-Color and Two-Color Pump-Probe Experiments on Graphene; 3.4.1 Graphene Samples; 3.4.2 Review of Single-Color Experiments; 3.4.3 Review of Two-Color Experiments; Part One Electronic Properties -- Carrier Relaxation Dynamics; 4 Relaxation Dynamics in Graphene; 4.1 Experimental Studies; 4.1.1 High-Resolution Experiment in the Infrared; 4.1.2 Pump-Probe Experiment Close to the Dirac Point; 4.2 Relaxation Channels in Graphene; 4.2.1 Coulomb-Induced Relaxation Channels; 4.2.2 Auger Scattering Channels.
4.2.3 Phonon-Induced Relaxation Channels4.3 Optically Induced Nonequilibrium Carrier Distribution; 4.4 Carrier Dynamics; 4.4.1 Orientational Relaxation toward an Isotropic Carrier Distribution; 4.4.2 Thermalization of the Excited Carrier System; 4.4.3 Energy Dissipation and Carrier Cooling; 4.4.4 Time- and Momentum-Resolved Relaxation Dynamics; 4.4.5 Differential Transmission Spectra; 4.5 Phonon Dynamics; 4.5.1 Momentum-Resolved Dynamics; 4.5.2 Time-Resolved Dynamics; 4.5.3 Momentum- and Time-Resolved Dynamics; 4.6 Pump Fluence Dependence; 4.6.1 Thermalization.
The book introduces the reader into the ultrafast nanoworld of graphene and carbon nanotubes, including their microscopic tracks and unique optical finger prints. The author reviews the recent progress in this field by combining theoretical and experimental achievements. He offers a clear theoretical foundation by presenting transparently derived equations. Recent experimental breakthroughs are reviewed. This makes the book suitable for a wider audience, from graduate students and to researchers in academia and industry working on optoelectronic devices, renewable energies, and in the semicond.
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