Temperature and plant development / [electronic resource]
by Franklin, Keara A; Wigge, Philip A.
Material type:
Includes bibliographical references and index.
""Title page""; ""Copyright page""; ""Contributors""; ""Preface""; ""1 Temperature sensing in plants""; ""1.1 Introduction""; ""1.2 Passive and active temperature responses in plants""; ""1.3 Temperature sensing during transcriptional regulation""; ""1.4 Sensing cold: A role for plasma membrane calcium channels in plants""; ""1.5 A role for membrane fluidity as an upstream temperature sensor?""; ""1.6 Temperature sensing by proteins""; ""1.7 Summary""; ""References""; ""2 Plant acclimation and adaptation to cold environments""; ""2.1 Introduction""; ""2.2 Chilling and freezing injury""
""2.3 Freezing avoidance and tolerance at the structural and physiological level""""2.4 Freezing tolerance""; ""2.5 Cold deacclimation (dehardening) and reacclimation (rehardening)""; ""2.6 Spatial and temporal considerations of plant responses to low temperature""; ""2.7 The survival of cold and freezing stress in a changing climate""; ""2.8 Plant cold acclimation and adaptation in an agricultural context""; ""2.9 Summary""; ""References""; ""3 Plant acclimation and adaptation to warm environments""; ""3.1 Introduction""
""3.2 Implications of high temperature for agriculture and natural ecosystems""""3.3 Temperature perception and signaling pathways""; ""3.4 Photosynthesis""; ""3.5 Respiration and carbon balance""; ""3.6 Growth and allocation of biomass""; ""3.7 Architectural changes in response to high temperature""; ""3.8 Hormonal regulation of thermotolerance""; ""3.9 Functional implications of plant architectural changes to high temperature""; ""3.10 Interactions between drought and high temperature""; ""3.11 Carbohydrate status control of plant acclimation to high temperature""
""3.12 Thermoperiodic effects on plant growth and architecture""""13.13 High-temperature effects on the floral transition""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""References""; ""4 Vernalization: Competence to flower provided by winter""; ""4.1 Introduction""; ""4.2 Vernalization requirement in Arabidopsis""; ""4.3 The molecular mechanism of vernalization""; ""4.4 Resetting of FLC repression during meiosis""; ""4.5 Vernalization in other plant species""; ""4.6 Concluding remarks""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""References""; ""5 Temperature and light signal integration""; ""5.1 Introduction""
""5.2 Convergence points for light and temperature sensing""""5.3 Phytochrome-Interacting Factors as signal integrators""; ""5.4 ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 5 (HY5): A cool operator""; ""5.5 Light and temperature converge at the circadian oscillator""; ""5.6 Photoperiodic and thermal control of flowering""; ""5.7 Light-dependent circadian gating of cold-acclimation responses""; ""5.8 Temperature and light regulation of cell membrane fatty acid composition""; ""5.9 Concluding thoughts: Implications for a changing future""; ""References""; ""6 Temperature and the circadian clock""; ""6.1 Introduction""
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