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The handbook of the psychology of communication technology / [electronic resource]

by Sundar, S. Shyam.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Handbooks in communication and media: Publisher: Chichester, West Sussex, UK ; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015.Description: 1 online resource.ISBN: 9781118426524 (ePub); 1118426525 (ePub); 9781118426623 (Adobe PDF); 1118426622 (Adobe PDF); 9781118426456; 1118426452.Subject(s): Communication and technology -- Psychological aspects | Information technology -- Psychological aspects | Communication -- Psychological aspects | SOCIAL SCIENCE / General | Communication -- Psychological aspects | Communication and technology -- Psychological aspects | Information technology -- Psychological aspects | Electronic books | Electronic booksOnline resources: Wiley Online Library
Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Biographical Notes; Preface; Acknowledgments; Part I Theoretical Overviews; Chapter 1 Interpersonal and Hyperpersonal Dimensions of Computer-Mediated Communication; The Social Information Processing Theory of CMC; Hyperpersonal CMC; Conclusion; References; Chapter 2 Group Identity, Social Influence, and Collective Action Online: Extensions and Applications of the SIDE Model; Introduction; Background, Roots, and Development of SIDE; References
Chapter 3 Toward a Theory of Interactive Media Effects (TIME): Four Models for Explaining How Interface Features Affect User PsychologyIntroduction; Interactive Media Effects; Interactivity Effects Model; Agency Model; Motivational Technology Model; MAIN Model; Concluding Remarks; Acknowledgments; References; Part II Source Orientation: Avatars, Agents and Androids; Chapter 4 Examining Perception and Identification in Avatar-mediated Interaction; Responding to Avatars of Digital Others: Adapting to Online Information; Attributions of Humanity, Anthropomorphism, and Social Potential
Understanding the Use of the Visual Characteristics of Avatars in PerceptionSelecting an Avatar to Represent the Self to Others in Online Interactions; Using Avatar Research to Understand Human Interactions; References; Chapter 5 Effects of Visual Cues on Social Perceptions and Self-Categorization in Computer-Mediated Communication; Avatars and Social Stereotypes; Avatar Similarity and Self-Categorization: Personal versus Group Identity; Avatars as a Pseudo-Identity Cue: Contingent Conditions; Why Avatars Matter: Potential Explanations; Implications and Future Directions; Conclusion
Future WorkConclusions; Acknowledgments; References; Chapter 8 Psychological Aspects of Technology Interacting with Humans; Virtual Characters; Interactive PEFiC; I-PEFiC and Affective Decision Making; Silicon Coppélia; Realism? Epistemics of the Virtual; Ethics: Moral Reasoner; Affordances: Creative Machines; Caredroids: Humanoids Taking Care; Conclusions; Acknowledgments; Notes; References; Part III Technological Affordances and Social Interaction; Chapter 9 Social Network Site Affordances and Their Relationship to Social Capital Processes; Overview of Social Media; Social Network Sites
Summary: The Handbook of the Psychology of Communication Technologyoffers an unparalleled source for seminal and cutting-edge researchon the psychological aspects of communicating with and via emergentmedia technologies, with leading scholars providing insights thatadvance our knowledge on human-technology interactions. A uniquely focused review of extensive research ontechnology and digital media from a psychological perspective Authoritative chapters by leading scholars studyingpsychological aspects of communication technologies Covers all forms of media from Smartphones toRobotics, from Social Medi.
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