Jones' Clinical Paediatric Surgery / [electronic resource]
by Hutson, John M; O'Brien, Michael; Beasley, Spencer W; King, Sebastian.
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Examination of the child's vision and eye.
Jones' Clinical Paediatric Surgery; Copyright; Contents; Contributors; Foreword to the First Edition by Mark M Ravitch; Tribute to Mr. Peter Jones; Preface to the Seventh Edition; Acknowledgements; Part I Introduction; Chapter 1 Antenatal Diagnosis: Surgical Aspects; Indications and timing for antenatal ultrasound; Natural history of fetal anomalies; Management following antenatal diagnosis; Further reading; Chapter 2 The Care and Transport of the Newborn; Respiratory care; Blood and fluid loss; Control of body temperature; Fluids, electrolytes and nutrition; Biochemical abnormalities.
Prevention of infectionParents; General principles of neonatal transport; Transport of neonatal emergencies; Stabilisation of neonates prior to transfer; Further reading; Chapter 3 The Child in Hospital; Preparation for admission; Effect of site of operation; Day surgery; Ward atmosphere and procedures; Parental support; Response of the child; The timing of operative procedures; Further reading; Part II Neonatal Emergencies; Chapter 4 Respiratory Distress in the Newborn; Recognition of respiratory distress; The principles of management; Specific conditions.
Congenital pulmonary airway malformationAcute respiratory failure in the neonate; Further reading; Chapter 5 Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia; Definitions; Clinical features; Investigation; Treatment; Further reading; Chapter 6 Oesophageal Atresia and Tracheo-oesophageal Fistula; Pathophysiology; Antenatal diagnosis; Early diagnosis; Pre-operative investigation; Treatment; Anatomical variations; Special problems; Post-operative complications; Prognosis; Further reading; Chapter 7 Bowel Obstruction; Antenatal diagnosis; Clinical findings; Imaging; Metabolic complications; General treatment.
Hirschsprung diseaseMeconium Ileus; Volvulus neonatorum; Duodenal obstruction; Small bowel atresia; Duplications of the alimentary tract; Neonatal necrotising enterocolitis; Further reading; Chapter 8 Abdominal Wall Defects; Exomphalos and gastroschisis; First aid at birth; Exomphalos; Gastroschisis; Bladder exstrophy (Ectopia vesicae); Further reading; Chapter 9 Spina Bifida; Embryology; Aetiology and antenatal diagnosis; Myelomeningocele; Meningocele; Variants of spina bifida; Associated anomalies and sequelae of spina bifida; Psychological and social management; Assessment in the newborn.
TreatmentPrognosis; Further reading; Chapter 10 Disorders of Sex Development; Definition; The clinical problems; Practical decisions in management; Further reading; Chapter 11 Anorectal Malformations; Classification; Associated anomalies; Incidence; Clinical features; Imaging; Treatment and prognosis; Further reading; Part III Head and Neck; Chapter 12 The Scalp, Skull and Brain; The infant with a large head; Congenital abnormalities of the cranium; Intracranial tumours; Tumours in the spinal canal; Intracranial vascular disorders; Further reading; Chapter 13 The Eye.
Jones' Clinical Paediatric Surgery provides clear-sighted advice on the surgical options available for young patients. Building on the popular and successful style of previous editions, this fully revised seventh edition employs a systematic approach to the childhood diseases that need surgical treatment. It includes more case vignettes and colour photographs, expanded coverage on the use of imaging, and updated approaches to management including laparoscopic operations. Key subject areas are supported by case vignettes in a familiar format similar to what might appear in an OSCE viva. Jones' C.
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