The Transfer of power 1942-7 : Vol.III : reassertion of authority, Gandhis fast and the succession to the viceroyalty 21 September 1942-12 June 1943 /
by Moon, Penderel; Mansergh, Nicholas [ed.]; Lumby, E. W. R. (Esmond Walter Rawson) [ed.]; India Office Library; India Office Records.
Material type:
v. 1. The Cripps Mission, January-April 1942. -- v. 2. Quit India, 30 April-21 September 1942. -- v. 3. Reassertion of authority, Gandhi's fast, and the succession to the Viceroyalty, 21 September 1942-12 June 1943. -- v. 4. The Bengal famine and the new Viceroyalty, 15 June 1943-31 August 1944. -- v. 5. The Simla Conference, background and proceedings, 1 September 1944-28 July 1945. -- v. 6. The post-war phase: new moves by the Labour Government, 1 August 1945-22 March 1946. -- v. 7. The cabinet mission, 23 March-29 June 1946. -- v. 8. The interim government, 3 July-1 November, 1946. -- v. 9. The fixing of a time limit, 4 November 1946-22 March 1947. -- v. 10. The Mountbatten Viceroyalty, formation of a plan, 22 March-30 May 1947. -- v. 11. The Mountbatten Viceroyalty announcement and reception of the 3 June plan 31 May-7 July 1947. -- v. 12. The Mountbatten Viceroyalty, princes, partition, and independence, 8 July-15 August 1947.
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