Snow leopards / [electronic resource]
by Nyhus, Philip J; McCarthy, Thomas [editor.]; Mallon, David [editor.].
Material type:
Includes bibliographical references and index.
"Snow Leopards: Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes to Landscapes is the only comprehensive work on the biology, behavior, and conservation status of the snow leopard, a species that has long been one of the least studied, and hence poorly understood, of the large cats. Breakthroughs in technologies and methodologies to study this elusive cat have come rapidly, including non-invasive genetics, camera traps, and GPS-satellite collaring. The book begins with chapters on the genetic standing and taxonomy of the snow leopard, followed by chapters on their behavior and ecology. Additional contributions follow on the current and emerging threats to the species, which include longstanding concerns, such as poaching and conflicts with livestock, and new and emerging threats such as mining and climate change. A section on conservation solutions, backed by valuable case studies, starts with an overview of the important role mountain communities play in assuring the snow leopard's long-term persistence. In addition, chapters on the role of captive snow leopards for the conservation of the species, state-of-the-art techniques and technologies for studying and monitoring snow leopards, status reports from around the region, and future perspectives, such as transboundary conservation initiatives, international conventions (CITES, CMS, etc.), the role of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group and the Snow Leopard Network, and undertakings such as the Global Snow Leopard Forum facilitated by the World Bank are also included. Serves as the first and only comprehensive book on the biology, behavior, and conservation status of the snow leopard Brings together the most current scientific knowledge, documents the most pressing conservation issues, and shares success stories in alleviating the broad threats that now jeopardize the long-term survival of this species Brings current knowledge of the species, not only to researchers and conservationists, but also to decision makers, academics, and students Edited by recognized snow leopard experts, with more than 50 years of collective experience in research and conservation of the species."
Print version record.
I. Defining the Snow Leopard. 1. What is a snow leopard? : taxonomy, morphology, and phylogeny / Andrew C. Kitchener, Carlos A. Driscoll, Nobuyuki Yamaguchi ; 2. What is a snow leopard? : behavior and ecology / Joseph L. Fox, Raghunandan S. Chundawat ; 3. What is a snow leopard? : biogeography and status overview / Thomas McCarthy [and four others] ; 4 Snow leopard prey and diet / David Mallon, Richard B. Harris, Per Wegge -- II. Conservation Concerns. 5. Livestock predation by snow leopards : conflicts and the search for solutions / Charudutt Mishra, Stephen R. Redpath, Kulbhushansingh R. Suryawanshi ; 6. Living on the edge : depletion of wild prey and survival of the snow leopard / Sandro Lovari, Charudutt Mishra ; 7. Monitoring illegal trade in snow leopards (2003-2012) / Aishwarya Maheshwari, Stephanie von Meibom ; 8. Climate change impacts on snow leopard range / John D. Farrington, Juan Li ; 9. Diseases of free-ranging snow leopards and primary prey species / St�ephane Ostrowski, Martin Gilbert ; 10. Resource extraction. 10.1. Introduction / Peter Zahler. 10.2. Emerging threats to snow leopards from energy and mineral development / Michael Heiner [and four others]. 10.3. Linear infrastructure and snow leopard conservation / Peter Zahler. 10.4. Harvesting of caterpillar fungus and wood by local people / John D. Farrington. 10.5. Synthesis / Peter Zahler -- III. Conservation Solutions In Situ. 11. The role of mountain communities in snow leopard conservation / Rodney M. Jackson, Wendy Brewer Lama ; 12. Building community governance structures and institutions for snow leopard conservation / Peter Zahler, Richard Paley ; 13. Incentive and reward programs in snow leopard conservation. 13.1. Himalayan homestays : fostering human-snow leopard coexistence / Tsewang Namgail, Bipasha Majumder, Jigmet Dadul. 13.2 Handicrafts : snow leopard enterprise in Mongolia / Bayarjargal Agvaantseren [and four others]. 13.3. A review of lessons, successes and pitfalls of livestock insurance schemes / Kyran Kunkel, Shafqat Hussein, Ambika Khatiwada ; 14. Livestock husbandry and snow leopard conservation. 14.1. Corral improvements / Ghulam Mohammad [and three others]. 14.2. The role of village reserves in revitalizing the natural prey base of the snow leopard / Charadutt Mishra [and nine others]. 14.3. The Ecosystem Health Program : a tool to promote the co-existence of livestock owners and snow leopards / Muhammad Ali Nawaz, Jaffar Ud Din, Hafeez Buzdar ; 15. Religion and cultural impacts on snow leopard conservation. 15.1. Introduction / Betsy Gaines Quammen. 15.2. Tibetan Buddhist monastery-based snow leopard conservation / Juan Li, Hang Yin, Zhi Lu. 15.3. Shamanism in Central Asian snow leopard cultures / Apela Colorado, Nargiza Ryskulova. 15.4. Snow leopards in art and legend of the Pamir / John Mock. 15.5. The snow leopard in symbolism, heraldry and numismatics : the order "Barys" and title "Snow Leopard" / Irina Loginova ; 16. Trophy hunting as a conservation tool for snow leopards. 16.1. The Trophy Hunting Program : enhancing snow leopard prey populations through community participation / Muhammad Ali Nawaz [and three others]. 16.2. Argali sheep (Ovis ammon) and Siberian ibex (Capra sibirica) trophy hunting in Mongolia / Richard P. Reading, Sukh Amgalanbaatar. 16.3. Hunting of prey species : a review of lessons, successes and pitfalls -- experiences from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan / Stefan Michel, Tatjana Rosen ; 17. Environmental education for snow leopard conservation / Darla Hillard [and five others] ; 18. Law enforcement in snow leopard conservation / Nick Beale, Ioana Botezatu ; 19. Transboundary initiatives and snow leopard conservation / Tatjana Rosen, Peter Zahler ; 20. Corporate business and the conservation of the snow leopard : worlds that need not collide / Paul Hotham [and three others] -- IV. Conservation Solutions Ex Situ. 21. Role of zoos in snow leopard conservation : management of captive snow leopards in the EAZA region / Leif Blomqvist, Alexander Sliwa ; 22. Role of zoos in snow leopard conservation : the Species Survival Plan in North America / Jay Tetzloff ; 23. The role of zoos in snow leopard conservation : captive snow leopards as ambassadors of wild kin. 23.1. Kolm�arden Wildlife Park : supporting snow leopards in the wild, sharing the message at home / Thomas Lind. 23.2. Woodland Park Zoo : from a zoo came a true snow leopard champion / Fred W. Koontz. 23.3. Bronx Zoo : ambassadors from the roof of the world / Patrick R. Thomas ; 24. Rescue and rehabilitation centers and reintroductions to the wild. 24.1. Rescue, rehabilitation, translocation, reintroduction, and captive rearing : lessons from handling the other big cats / Dale G. Miquelle [and others]. 24.2. NABU Snow Leopard Rehabilitation Center in Kyrgyzstan / Boris Tichomirow -- V. Techniques and Technologies for the Study of a Cryptic Felid. 25. Snow leopard research : a historical perspective / Don Hunter, Kyle McCarthy, Thomas McCarthy ; 26. From VHF to satellite GPS collars : advancements in snow leopard telemetry / �Orjan Johansson, Anthony Simms, Thomas McCarthy ; 27. The role of genetics. 27.1. Conservation genetics of snow leopards / Anthony Caragiulo, George Amato, Byron Weckworth. 27.2. Diet reconstruction of snow leopard using genetic techniques / Wasim Shehzad ; 28. Camera trapping : advancing the technology / Wai-Ming Wong, Shannon Kachel ; 29. Landscape ecology : linking landscape metrics to ecological processes / Hugh S. Robinson, Byron Weckworth -- VI. Snow Leopard Status and Conservation : Regional Reviews and Updates. 30. Central Asia : Afghanistan / Zalmai Moheb, Richard Paley ; 31. Central Asia : Kyrgyzstan / Askar Davletbakov [and six others] ; 32 Central Asia : Kazakhstan / Oleg Loginov ; 33. Central Asia : Tajikistan / Abdusattor Saidov [and three others] ; 34. Central Asia : Uzbekistan / Alexander Esipov [and three others] ; 35. South Asia : Bhutan / Tshewang R. Wangchuk, Lhendup Tharchen ; 36. South Asia : India / Yash Veer Bhatnagar [and eight others] ; 37. South Asia : Nepal / Som Ale, Karan B. Shah, Rodney M. Jackson ; 38. South Asia : Pakistan. 38.1. Snow leopard conservation in Pakistan : a historical perspective / Ahmad Khan. 38.2. The current state of snow leopard conservation in Pakistan / Jaffar Ud Din, Hussain Ali, Muhammad Ali Nawaz ; 39. Northern range : Mongolia / Bariushaa Munkhtsog [and three others] ; 40. Northern range : Russia / Mikhail Paltsyn [and thirteen others] ; 41. China : the Tibetan Plateau, Sanjiangyuan Region / Yanlin Liu [and five others] ; 42. China : current state of snow leopard conservation in China / Philip Riordan, Kun Shi -- VII. The Future of Snow Leopards. 43. Sharing the conservation message / Rana Bayrak�cismith, Sibylle Noras, Heather Hemmingmoore ; 44. Global strategies for snow leopard conservation : a synthesis / Eric W. Sanderson [and four others] ; 45. The Global Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection Program / Andrew Zakharenka [and others] ; 46. Joining up the spots : aligning approaches to big cat conservation from policy to the field / Urs Breitenmoser [and three others] ; 47. Future prospects for snow leopard survival / David Mallon, Thomas McCarthy.
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