Land surface remote sensing : environment and risks / [electronic resource]
by Zribi, Mehrez [author]; Baghdadi, Nicolas [editor.]; Zribi, Mehrez [editor.].
Material type:
1. Drylands and Desertification 2. Remote Sensing and Measuring Deforestation 3. Remote Sensing of Wildfires 4. Characterization of Industrial Plumes 5. Monitoring of Earth Surface Motion and Geomorphologic Processes by Optical Image Correlation 6. Application of Optical Remote Sensing for Monitoring Environmental Impacts of Mining: From Exploitation to Postmining 7. The Contribution of SAR Datato Volcanology and Subsidence Studies 8. Applications of Remote Sensing to Locust Management 9. Applications of Remote Sensing to the Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases: Some Examples.
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Front Cover ; Land Surface Remote Sensing: Environment and Risks ; Copyright ; Contents; Foreword; Acronyms; Introduction; Chapter 1. Drylands and Desertification; 1.1. Drylands; 1.2. Dryland vegetation observed by satellite; 1.3. Soils and surface materials: the dominant components of drylands; 1.4. Conclusions and outlook; 1.5. Key points; 1.6. Bibliography; Chapter 2. Remote Sensing and Measuring Deforestation; 2.1. Introduction: forests, deforestation and forest degradation; 2.2. Which images should be used for measuring deforestation? Limits and advantages.
2.3. Methods for monitoring deforestation2.4. Programs for estimating deforestation on a global scale; 2.5. Programs evaluating deforestation and degradation on a regional scale: some case studies; 2.6. Outlook; 2.7. Key points; 2.8. Bibliography; Chapter 3. Remote Sensing of Wildfires; 3.1. Introduction; 3.2. Fuel moisture estimation; 3.3. Fire detection; 3.4. Burnt area mapping; 3.5. Perspectives; 3.6. Key points; 3.7. Bibliography; Chapter 4. Characterization of Industrial Plumes; 4.1. Introduction; 4.2. Principal characteristics of anthropogenic plumes; 4.3. Optical properties of plumes.
4.4. Characterization of aerosol plumes using remote sensing 4.5. Characterization of gas plume properties; 4.6. Conclusions and outlook; 4.7. Key points; 4.8. Bibliography; Chapter 5. Monitoring of Earth Surface Motion and Geomorphologic Processes by Optical Image Correlation; 5.1. Introduction; 5.2. Sources of image data; 5.3. Preprocessing; 5.4. Principles of optical image correlation; 5.5. Applications; 5.6. Current limitations and perspectives; 5.7. Conclusions; 5.8. Key points; 5.9. Acknowledgments; 5.10. Bibliography.
Chapter 6. Application of Optical Remote Sensing for Monitoring Environmental Impacts of Mining: From Exploitation to Postmining6.1. The environmental and societal stakes of mining; 6.2. The role of Earth Observation; 6.3. Application examples; 6.4. Multisensor integrated approaches; 6.5. Exploitation of an airborne LiDAR DTM ; 6.6. Conclusions and perspectives; 6.7. Key points; 6.8. Acknowledgments; 6.9. Bibliography; Chapter 7. The Contribution of SAR Data to Volcanology and Subsidence Studies; 7.1. Introduction; 7.2. Principles of using satellite SAR data to measure ground displacement.
7.3. The contribution of InSAR to the understanding and monitoring of volcanoes7.4. Contribution of InSAR to the characterization of anthropogenic subsidence; 7.5. Outlook; 7.6. Appendix 1; 7.7. Appendix 2; 7.8. Key points; 7.9. Bibliography; Chapter 8. Applications of Remote Sensing to Locust Management; 8.1. Introduction; 8.2. Potential of remote sensing in locust monitoring; 8.3. Case study 1: using SPOT satellite images to evaluate the impact of habitat fragmentation on population dynamics of the red locust Nomadacris septemfasciata in the Sofia basin in Madagascar.
Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.
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