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The principles of sociology : Vol. 2 /

by Spencer, Herbert.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: A system of synthetic philosophy ; v. 7.Publisher: London : Williams and Norgate, 1893Description: 3 v. ; 23 cm.Subject(s): Sociology
v. 1., pt. 1: The data of sociology. pt. 2: The inductions of sociology. pt. 3: The domestic relations -- v. 2. pt. 4: Ceremonial institutions. pt. 5: Political institutions -- v. 3. pt. 6: Ecclesistical institutions. pt. 7: Professional institutions. pt. 8: Industrial institutions.
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Books Books Dhaka University Library
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Non Fiction 301.01 SPP (Browse shelf) Available A92994

Includes Index

v. 1., pt. 1: The data of sociology. pt. 2: The inductions of sociology. pt. 3: The domestic relations -- v. 2. pt. 4: Ceremonial institutions. pt. 5: Political institutions -- v. 3. pt. 6: Ecclesistical institutions. pt. 7: Professional institutions. pt. 8: Industrial institutions.

Vol. 1 is: System of synthetic philosophy, vol. 6. : Vol. 2 is: System of synthetic philosophy, vol. 7. : Vol. 3 is: System of synthetic philosophy, vol. 8.

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