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Women and microcredit in rural Bangladesh : anthropological study of the rhetoric and realities of Grameen Bank lending /

by Rahman, Aminur.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Boulder : Westview Press, c1999Description: xii, 188 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.ISBN: 0813337135.Subject(s): Grameen Bank | Bank loans -- Bangladesh | Rural women -- Bangladesh -- Economic conditions
1. Introduction. Statement of the Problem. The Grameen Bank. The Lending Structure of the Grameen Bank. Studies of the Grameen Bank. Microcredit in Development Projects. Women in Development and Incorporation of Microcredit. Women in Development: A Bangladesh Context. The Significance of This Study. The Structure of the Book -- 2. Field Research Methodology. Pre-Fieldwork Research Plan. Initiation of Field Research. The Native as Researcher, and Rapport Building. Data Collection. Research Ethics. Limitations of the Research -- 3. Theoretical Framework. Entitlement, Enfranchisement, and Empowerment. Public and Hidden Transcripts. Practice Theory. The Concept of Hegemony -- 4. The Study Village and Its Socioeconomic Organization. The Location. Social Organization. The Village Population and Its Literacy and Education Level. Economic Organization. Grameen Households in the Local Economy. Migration in the Village Economy. Women and the Village Economy.
5. Microlending and Equitable Development. The Public and Hidden Transcripts for Recruiting Women. Patriarchal Hegemony in the Recruitment of Women Borrowers. Organization of the Women and Social Collateral. Networks of Borrowers and Bank Workers. The Social Development Initiatives of the Bank -- 6. Disbursement and Recovery of Loans: Bases for Escalation of Violence? Loans in the Study Village. Processing of Loan Applications. Loan Disbursement. Loan Use and Loan Supervision. Loan Repayment Schedule. Escalation of Aggression and Violence -- 7. Microlending and Sustainable Development. Sustainability and Profitability. The Grameen Bank and Capitalism. Transaction Costs, Outreach, and Sustainability. Consequences of High Loan Disbursement and Loan Recovery. Spiraling Debt Cycle. The Donor Perspective -- 8. Conclusion. Review of the Study. Theoretical Implications. Policy Recommendations -- App. A. Glossary of Non-English Words -- App. B. The Sixteen Decisions.
App. C. Grameen Bank Bidhimala (Bye-laws/Constitution).
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 169-180) and index.

1. Introduction. Statement of the Problem. The Grameen Bank. The Lending Structure of the Grameen Bank. Studies of the Grameen Bank. Microcredit in Development Projects. Women in Development and Incorporation of Microcredit. Women in Development: A Bangladesh Context. The Significance of This Study. The Structure of the Book -- 2. Field Research Methodology. Pre-Fieldwork Research Plan. Initiation of Field Research. The Native as Researcher, and Rapport Building. Data Collection. Research Ethics. Limitations of the Research -- 3. Theoretical Framework. Entitlement, Enfranchisement, and Empowerment. Public and Hidden Transcripts. Practice Theory. The Concept of Hegemony -- 4. The Study Village and Its Socioeconomic Organization. The Location. Social Organization. The Village Population and Its Literacy and Education Level. Economic Organization. Grameen Households in the Local Economy. Migration in the Village Economy. Women and the Village Economy.

5. Microlending and Equitable Development. The Public and Hidden Transcripts for Recruiting Women. Patriarchal Hegemony in the Recruitment of Women Borrowers. Organization of the Women and Social Collateral. Networks of Borrowers and Bank Workers. The Social Development Initiatives of the Bank -- 6. Disbursement and Recovery of Loans: Bases for Escalation of Violence? Loans in the Study Village. Processing of Loan Applications. Loan Disbursement. Loan Use and Loan Supervision. Loan Repayment Schedule. Escalation of Aggression and Violence -- 7. Microlending and Sustainable Development. Sustainability and Profitability. The Grameen Bank and Capitalism. Transaction Costs, Outreach, and Sustainability. Consequences of High Loan Disbursement and Loan Recovery. Spiraling Debt Cycle. The Donor Perspective -- 8. Conclusion. Review of the Study. Theoretical Implications. Policy Recommendations -- App. A. Glossary of Non-English Words -- App. B. The Sixteen Decisions.

App. C. Grameen Bank Bidhimala (Bye-laws/Constitution).

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