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The Indian company law, a book for lawyers and business men : containing the Indian companies act as amended by Act XXII of 1936, the Government of India (adaptation of Indian laws) order, 1937 and subsequent acts of up to the end of 1941, with introd. giving a summary of the provisions of the act and references to notes and forms, exhaustive explanatory notes and cross-references, table A of Act VI of 1882, table A of Act X of 1866, table B of Act XIX of 1857, comparative and useful tables and forms, 152 additional forms, tables of stamp duties, &c. &c., and the new Indian companies rules & forms of 1941 (as amended up to date) and the new Calcutta High Court rules, 1939 (as amended up to date) and the English companies act, 1929,

by India; Ghosh, Kshetra Mohan; Bengal. High Court of Judicature. [from old catalog]; Great Britain.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Calcutta : Eastern Law House, 1942Edition: 5th ed., rev. and enl.Description: xxxi, 158, 1246 p. 25 cm.Uniform titles: Indian companies act [from old catalog].Subject(s): Corporation law -- India | Corporation law -- India -- Forms | Court rules -- India | Corporation law -- Great Britain
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Books Books Dhaka University Library
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Non Fiction 347.754 GHI (Browse shelf) Available 42832

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