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21. Theories of mass communication

by DeFleur, Melvin L. (Melvin Lawrence); Ball-Rokeach, Sandra.

Edition: 4th ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: New York : Longman, c1982Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.16 DET] (3).

22. White on the media

by White, Brian.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: New South Wales : Cassell Australia, 1975Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.161 WHW] (1).

23. Mass media and mass man

by Casty, Alan.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1968Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.16 CAM] (1).

24. Mass media and mass man

by Casty, Alan.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1968Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.16 CAM] (1).

25. The media environment : mass communications in American society

by Stanley, Robert Henry; Steinberg, Charles Side.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: New York : Hastings House, c1976Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.1610973 STM] (1).

26. Media and communication

by Scannell, Paddy.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Sage, c2007Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [302.2 SCM] (1).

27. Programming potential of Indian television : with special reference to education, economic growth and social change

by Dua, M. R.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: New Delhi : Communication, 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.243 DUP] (3).

28. Mass communication

by Cassata, Mary B. -- South Australian College of External Studies

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: New York: Macmillan, 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Science Library [301.243 CAM] (3).

29. Mass media and political modernity : an empirical study in five developing countries

by Mukherjee, Bishwa Nath.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Agra : 1979. National Psychological ; Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.243 BIM] (3).

30. The media and the people

by Brown, Charlene J; Brown, Trevor R; Rivers, William L.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Huntington, N.Y. : R. E. Krieger Pub. Co., 1978Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Science Library [301.243 BRM] (6).

31. Communications research and cultural values

by Dissanayake, Wimal.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Singapore : Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre, 1983Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.243 DIC] (4).

32. Mass communication theory : an introduction

by McQuail, Denis.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Beverly Hills : Sage Publications ; c1983Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.243 MCM] (4).

33. Mass communication and journalism in India

by Mehta, D. S. (Dalpat Singh).

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Bombay : Allied ; 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.243 MEM] (6).

34. Mass communication and human interaction

by Murphy, Robert D.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Boston : Houghton Mifflin; c1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.243 MUM] (3).

35. McQuail's mass communication theory

by McQuail, Denis.

Edition: 5th ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: NewDeihg : Vistaar Pub. ; 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.243 MCM] (7).

36. Asian Communication : Research, Training, Planning

by Lerner, Daniel. -- Hawaii Univ., Honolulu. East-West Center; Hawaii Univ., Honolulu. East-West Center

Material type: book Book; Format: microfiche microfiche Publisher: Washington, D.C. : Distributed by ERIC Clearinghouse, 1976Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.243 LEA] (10).

37. The effects of mass communication

by Klapper, Joseph T.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Glencoe : Free Press; 1960Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [302.243 KLE] (7).

38. The Use of development news : case studies of India, Malaysia, Ghana, and Thailand

by Lent, John A; Vilanilam, John V; De Fontgalland, Guy. -- Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Singapore : Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre; 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.243 LEU] (5).

39. Introduction to mass communications

by Agee, Warren Kendall; Ault, Phillip H; Emery, Edwin.

Edition: 6th ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: New York : Harper & Row, c1979Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.243 AGI] (1).

40. Mass media in India, 1980-81

by -- India. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Research and Reference Division

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: India : Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1982Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.243 INM] (3).

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