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301. The political economy of underdevelopment

by De Silva, S. B. D.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London ; Boston : Routledge & K. Paul, 1982Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [330.91724 DEP] (1).

302. Soviet economic development since 1917

by Dobb, Maurice.

Edition: 3rd ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Routledge Kegan Paul, 1953Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [330.947 DOS] (3).

303. Soviet economic development since 1917

by Dobb, Maurice.

Edition: 2nd ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Routledge Kegan Paul, 1951Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [330.947 DOS] (3).

304. Studies in economic development : with special reference to conditions in the underdeveloped areas of Western Asia and India

by Bonne, Alfred.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Routledge & Paul, c1960Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [330.95 BOS] (1).

305. The economic history of India : Vol.1& 2

by Dutt, Romesh Chunder.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & co., ltd., 1902Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [330.954 DUE] (1).

306. India in the Victorian age : an economic history of the people

by Dutt, Romesh Chunder; Dutt, Romesh Chunder.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : K. Paul, Trench, Trübner. 1904Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [330.954031 DUI] (2).

307. The demise of a rural economy : from subsistence to capitalism in a Latin American village

by Gudeman, Stephen F.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Boston : Routledge & K. Paul, 1978Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [330.98003 GDD] (2).

308. Problems of economic planning : papers on planning and economics

by Durbin, E. F. M.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Routledge & Paul, 1949Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [330.9 DUP] (3).

309. The liberation of work : the elimination of strikes and strife in industry through associative organization of enterprise

by Wilken, Folkert.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Routledge & K. Paul, 1969Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [331.112 WIL] (1).

310. Class and class conflict in industrail society

by Dahrendore, Ralf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, c 1959Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [331.8 DAC] (2).

311. Profits, interest and investment, and other essays on the theory of industrial fluctuations

by Hayek, Friedrich A. von.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Routledge & K. Paul, 1939Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [332 HAP] (1).

312. Progress and poverty : an inquiry into the cause of industrial depressions, and of increase of want with increase of wealth : the remedy

by George, Henry.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Kegan Paul, 1885Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [330.1 GEP] (1).

313. The political element in the development of economic theory

by Myrdal, Gunnar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [330.1 MYP] (1).

314. Over-Population : Theory and statistics

by Florence, P. Sargant.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Kegan Paul, c 1926Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.32 FLO] (1).

315. Monetary theory

by Tew, Brian.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Routledge & K. Paul, 1969Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [332.401 TEM] (1).

316. The philosophy of money

by Simmel, Georg.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [332.401 SIP] (2).

317. Monetary reform in theory and practice

by Einzig, Paul.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Kegan Paul, c 1936Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [332.401 EIM] (1).

318. Money and the mechanism of exchange

by Jevons, William Stanley.

Material type: book Book; Format: electronic available online remote; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : K. Paul, Trench, Tr�ubner, 1907Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [332.49 JEM] (1).

319. Investment economics

by Carr, James Laurie.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Routledge & K. Paul, 1969Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [332.6 CAI] (4).

320. Kuwait : fall and rebirth

by Al Yahya, Mohammad Abdul Rahman.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London ; New York : Kegan Paul International, 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [332.6425367 ALK] (1).

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