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21. Glamour : women, history, feminism

by Dyhouse, Carol.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: New York : Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 2010Other title: Glamor.Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [391.209 DYG] (1).

22. The landscape of history : how historians map the past

by Gaddis, John Lewis.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press, c2002Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [901 GAL] (1).

23. নন্দনতত্ত্ব

by ইসলাম, সৈয়দ মনজুরুল.

Edition: কথাপ্রকাশ সংস্ক.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: ঢাকা : কথাপ্রকাশ, ২০১৫ (২০২২ মুদ্রণ) ।Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [701.17 ISN] (25).

24. নন্দনতত্ত্ব-জিজ্ঞাসা

by মুখোপাধ্যায়, তরুণ.

Edition: ১ম, দে'জMaterial type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: কলকাতা : দে'জ, ২০০২ ।Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [701.17 NAN] (2).

25. নন্দনতত্ত্ব : একটি পাঠ্যগ্রন্থ

by বোরেভ, ইউরি.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: ঢাকা : বর্ণায়ন, 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [701.17 BON] (6).

26. সৌন্দর্য শিল্পকলা ও নন্দনতত্ত্ব : ১ম খণ্ড

by রহমান, এম. মতিউর.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: ঢাকা : অবসর, ২০১৪ (২০১৫ মুদ্রণ)।Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [111.85 SAU] (7).

27. সৌন্দর্য শিল্পকলা ও নন্দনতত্ত্ব : ২য় খণ্ড

by রহমান, এম. মতিউর.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: ঢাকা : অবসর, ২০১৪।Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [111.85 SAU] (7).

28. সৌন্দর্য শিল্পকলা ও নন্দনতত্ত্ব : ৩য় খণ্ড

by রহমান, এম. মতিউর।.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: ঢাকা : অবসর, ২০১৪ (২০১৫ মুদ্রণ)।Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [111.85 SAU] (7).

29. Expressions of judgment : an essay on Kant's aesthetics

by Friedlander, Eli.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [121 FRE] (2).

30. নন্দনতত্ত্ব-জিজ্ঞাসা

by মুখোপাধ্যায়, তরুণ.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: কলকাতা : দে'জ, ২০০২Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [701.17 NAN] (17).

31. সবার জন্য নন্দনতত্ত্ব

by হাই, হাসনাত আবদুল.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Nature of contents: biography; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: ঢাকা : কাগজ, ২০০৪Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [701.17 HAS] (9).

32. নন্দনতত্ত্ব

by ইসলাম, সৈয়দ মনজুরুল.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Nature of contents: biography; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: ঢাকা : সন্দেশ, ২০০৬ (২০১১ মুদ্রণ) ।Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [701.17 ISN] (11).

33. শিল্পতত্ত্ব-পরিচয়

by ভট্টাচার্য, সাধনকুমার.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: কলকাতা : দে'জ, ২০০৪Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [701.17 BHS] (11).

34. ভারতীয় প্রাচীন চিত্রকলা

by দাশগুপ্ত, সুরেন্দ্রনাথ.

Edition: ১ম সং.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: কলিকাতা : চিরায়ত, ২০০৬ ।Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [701.170954 DAB] (2).

35. Information theory and esthetic perception

by Moles, Abraham A.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1958Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [010.78 MOI] (1).

36. Philosophy : a modern encounter

by Wolff, Robert Paul.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, c1976Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [100 WOA] (8).

37. Philosophy of art : a contemporary introduction

by Carroll, Noël. -- ebrary, Inc

Material type: book Book; Format: electronic available online remote; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London ; New York : Routledge, 1999Online Access: Click here for full text. Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [100 CAP] (2).

38. The aesthetic dimension : toward a critique of Marxist aesthetics

by Marcuse, Herbert.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Boston : Beacon Press, c1978Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [111.85 MAA] (3). Items available for reference: Dhaka University Library [335.411 MAA] (1 ).

39. Philosophical aesthetics : an introduction

by Hanfling, Oswald.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Oxford, UK ; Cambridge, USA : Milton Keynes, UK : B. Blackwell ; Open University, 1992Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [111.85 PHI] (1).

40. Aesthetics of Gandhi

by Shahed, Syed MOhammad.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Dhaka : Adorn, 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [111.85 SHA] (3).

Last Updated on September 15, 2019
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