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Your search returned 712 results.
by Conn, Eric E; Stumpf, Paul K. (Paul Karl).
by Dawes, Edwin A. (Edwin Alfred).
by Davies, Julian E; Littlewood, Barbara Shaffer.
by Wolstenholme, G. E. W. (Gordon Ethelbert Ward); O'Connor, Cecilia M. (Cecilia Mary). -- Ciba Foundation Symposium on Quinones in Electron Transport (1960 : London, England).
by Baldwin, Ernest.
by Dugas, Hermann; Penney, Christopher.
by Campbell, P. N. (Peter Nelson); Greville, G. D. (Guy Drummond). -- Biochemical Society (Great Britain)
by Goodwin, T. W. (Trevor Walworth); Lindberg, Olov. -- International Union of Biochemistry; International Union of Biological Sciences -- (1st : IUB/IUBS International Symposium 1960 : Stockholm).
by Greenberg, David M. (David Morris); Vogel, Henry J. (Henry James); Hokin, Lowell E.
by Fairley, James L; Kilgour, Gordon L.
by Williams, Roger J. (Roger John).
by Harrison, Kenneth.
by Florkin, Marcel; Florkin, Marcel; Stotz, Elmer H. (Elmer Henry).
by Oncley, J. L. (John Lawrence).