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2381. The origins of the war of 1914 : Vol. 1 : European relations from the Congress of Berlin to the eve of the Sarajevo murder

by Albertini, Luigi; Massey, Isabella Mellis.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press, 1952Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [940.31 ALO] (1).

2382. The origins of the war of 1914 : Vol. 2 : The crisis of July 1914. From the Sarajevo outrage to the Austro-Hungarian general mobilization

by Albertini, Luigi; Massey, Isabella Mellis.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press, 1952Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [940.31 ALO] (2).

2383. The origins of the war of 1914 : Vol. 3 : The epilogue of the crisis of July 1914. The declarations of war and of neutrality

by Albertini, Luigi; Massey, Isabella Mellis.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press, 1952Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [940.31 ALO] (1).

2384. History of the First World War

by Hart, Basil Henry Liddell.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Cassell, 1970Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [940.5 HAH] (2).

2385. History of the Second World War

by Hart, Basil Henry Liddell.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Cassell, 1970Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [940.5 HAH] (2).

2386. British documents on the origins of the war, 1898-1914 : vol. 11

by Gooch, G. P. (George Peabody); Temperley, Harold William Vazeille. -- Great Britain. Foreign Office

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London :, 1926Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [940.305 GOB] (1).

2387. Flying cadets of W W II : they delivered the bullets and bombs that ultimately spelled-victory!

by Maupin, Robert N.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: New York : McGraw-Hill, 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [940.544973 MAF] (1).

2388. Christ in Dachau or Christ victorious : experiences in a concentration camp

by Lenz, John M.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Austria : Vienna, 1960Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [940.547243 LEC] (1).

2389. The brutal friendship : Mussolini, Hitler, and the fall of Italian fascism

by Deakin, F. W. (Frederick William).

Edition: [1st American ed.]Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: New York : Harper & Row, [c1962]Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [945.091 DEB] (1).

2390. The origins of the First world war

by Henig, Ruth.

Edition: 3rd ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Routledge, 1989Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [940.5311 HEO] (1).

2391. The Second World War : closing the ring

by Churchill, s. Winston.

Material type: book Book; Format: braille ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1951Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [940.53 CHS] (1).

2392. The evidence : v. 1. the liberation war the begining

by Ali, Mir Shawkat.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Dhaka : Somoy, 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [954.92 ALE] (2).

2393. এবং একাত্তর = Talk of 71

by মামুন-উর-রশীদ ।.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: ঢাকা : মনন, ২০২০ ।Availability: Items available for reference: Dhaka University Library [954.9205 MAA] (2 ).

2394. A review of the imposed war : by the Iraqi regime upon the islamic republic of Iran

by -- Embassy of The Islamic Republic of Iran, Dhaka

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Dhaka : Embassy of The Islamic Republic of Iran, Dhaka, 1983Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [955.05 REV] (2).

2395. দ্য জেনোসাইড 1971

by নজরুল, আরিফ.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: ঢাকা : রাফাত, ২০১৯।Availability: Items available for reference: Dhaka University Library [954.92 GEN] (2 ).

2396. বঙ্গবন্ধুর ভাষণের ডিসকোর্স বিশ্লেষণ

by ব্যানার্জী, মিথুন.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Nature of contents: biography; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: ঢাকা : তাম্রলিপি, ২০২০।Availability: Items available for reference: Dhaka University Library [891.445 BAB] (2 ).

2397. মুক্তিযুদ্ধের গল্প : অদেখা মুজিব

by ইসলাম, সাইফুল।.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: ঢাকা : বেহুলা বাংলা, ২০২০Availability: Items available for reference: Dhaka University Library [891.44301 ISM] (2 ).

2398. ১৯৭১ : গণনির্যাতন-গণহত্যা কাঠামো, বিবরণ ও পরিসর

by চৌধুরী, আফসান.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: ঢাকা : কথাপ্রকাশ, ২০২০Availability: Items available for reference: Dhaka University Library [954.92 UNS] (2 ).

2399. সম্মুখ সমর ১১ নম্বর সেক্টর

by দারা, সাইদ হাসান.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: ঢাকা : রোদেলা, ২০২০Availability: Items available for reference: Dhaka University Library [954.92 DAS] (2 ).

2400. বাংলাদেশ ১৯৭১ : গণহত্যা-নির্যাতনের রাজনীতি

by মামুন, মুনতাসীর.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: ঢাকা : কথাপ্রকাশ, ২০১৯।Availability: Items available for reference: Dhaka University Library [954.92 MAB] (2 ).

Last Updated on September 15, 2019
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