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41. Human geography : East and south-east Asia and Australasia

by Speak, C. M.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Heinemann Educational, c1978Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Science Library [910 SPH] (1).

42. An introduction to town planning techniques

by Roberts, Margaret.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Hutchinson Educational , c1974Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Science Library [711.4 ROI] (1).

43. Circuit analysis with computer applications to problem solving

by Gupta, Someshwar Chander; Bayless, Jon W; Peikari, Behrouz.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Scranton : Intext Educational Publishers, 1972Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Science Library [621.3815 GUC] (2).

44. Projects in CDT

by Peace, John; John Dimond.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Hodder and Stoughton Educational, 1988Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Science Library [607.12 PEP] (1).

45. Outline of servo-mechanisms : including problems with step-by-step solutions

by Davis, Sidney A.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: New York : Unitech Division, Associated Educational Services, c1966Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Science Library [629.832 DAO] (1).

46. Modernized curricula in mathematical sciences : pt. 1 & 2

by -- Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO)

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Morocco : Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Science Library [510 ISM] (1).

47. Teachers' guidebook in mathematics, statistics and computer science

by Hassan, Bakr A.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Morocco : Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Science Library [510 TEA] (1).

48. Chemistry for secondary school level : annoted teachers' guidebook : based on modernized curricula proposed for secondary schools in ISESCO member states

by Rehman, M. A; Iqbal, Muhammad Zafar; Afzal, Muhammad; Ibne-Rasa, Khairat M.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Rabat : Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), 1998Availability: Items available for reference: Dhaka University Science Library [540 REC] (1 ).

49. The phenomenology of the social world

by Schutz, Alfred.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Heinemann Educational, 1972Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.01 SEP] (1).

50. Language in culture and class : the sociology of language and education

by Edwards, A. D.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Heinemann Educational, 1976Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301 EDL] (2).

51. Aspects of sociology

by Viertel, John.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Heinemann Educational, c1973Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301 FRA] (1).

52. The sociological tradition

by Nisbet, Robert A.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Heinemann Educational, 1970Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301 NIS] (6).

53. Class in a capitalist society : a study of contemporary Britain

by Westergaard, John; Resler, Henrietta.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Heinemann Educational, c1975Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301 WEC] (2).

54. Sociology as a skin trade: essays towards a reflexive sociology

by O'Neill, John.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Heinemann Educational, 1972Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301 ONS] (1).

55. Social exchange theory : the two traditions

by Ekeh, Peter P.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Heinemann Educational; 1974Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.24 EKS] (2).

56. Social research on automation

by Sadler, Philip.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Heinemann Educational, 1968Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.243 SAS] (1).

57. Under siege: man, men, and earth

by Wagner, Kenneth Allan; Bailey, Paul Clinton; Campbell, Glenn H.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: New York : Intext Educational Publishers, 1973Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.31 WAU] (1).

58. The Fragmentary class structure

by Roberts, Kenneth.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Heinemann Educational, 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.44 ROF] (2).

59. Black and white Australians : an inter-racial history 1788-1975

by Franklin, Margaret Ann.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: South Yarra, Vic. : Heinemann Educational Australia, 1976Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [301.451991091 FRB] (1).

60. Population and society in Britain, 1850-1980

by Barker, T. C. (Theodore Cardwell); Drake, Michael.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: London : Batsford Academic and Educational, 1982Availability: Items available for loan: Dhaka University Library [304.60741 POP] (1).

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