Managing strategic innovation and change : a collection of readings /
by Tushman, Michael; Anderson, Philip.
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Dhaka University Library General Stacks | Non Fiction | 658.4063 KIM (Browse shelf) | Available | 470693 |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Innovation Streams, Organization Designs, and Organizational Evolution / Michael L. Tushman and Wendy K. Smith -- 2. Capabilities, Cognition, and Inertia: Evidence from Digital Imaging / Mary Tripsas and Giovanni Gavetti -- 3. Managing Through Cycles of Technological Change / Philip Anderson and Michael L. Tushman -- 4. Technological Discontinuities and Flexible Production Networks: The Case of Switzerland and the World Watch Industry / Amy Glasmeier -- 5. Gunfire at Sea: A Case Study of Innovation / Elting Morison -- 6. Customer Power, Strategic Investment, and the Failure of Leading Firms / Clayton M. Christensen and Joseph L. Bower -- 7. Architectural Innovation: The Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and the Failure of Established Firms / Rebecca M. Henderson and Kim B. Clark -- 8. The Dynamics of Standing Still: Firestone Tire & Rubber and the Radial Revolution / Donald N. Sull -- 9. The Panda's Thumb of Technology / Stephen Jay Gould -- 10. The Art of Standards Wars / Carl Shapiro and Hal R. Varian -- 11. Managing in an Age of Modularity / Carliss Y. Baldwin and Kim B. Clark -- 12. Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems That Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement / Nelson P. Repenning and John D. Sterman -- 13. Tailoring Process Management to Situational Requirements: Beyond the Control and Exploration Dichotomy / Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, Sim B. Sitkin and Larry D. Browning -- 14. Managerial Problem Solving: A Congruence Approach / Michael L. Tushman and Charles O'Reilly III -- 15. Building Your Company's Vision / Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras -- 16. Managing Professional Careers: The Influence of Job Longevity and Group Age / Ralph Katz -- 17. Strong Cultures and Innovation: Oxymoron or Opportunity? / Francis J. Flynn and Jennifer A. Chatman -- 18. Understanding Power in Organizations / Jeffrey Pfeffer -- 19. The Weird Rules of Creativity / Robert I. Sutton -- 20. The Ambidextrous Organization: Managing Evolutionary and Revolutionary Change / Michael L. Tushman and Charles O'Reilly III -- 21. Core Capabilities and Core Rigidities: A Paradox in Managing New Product Development / Dorothy Leonard-Barton -- 22. Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management / David J. Teece, Gary Pisano and Amy Shuen -- 23. Strategy, Value Innovation, and the Knowledge Economy / W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne -- 24. Crafting R&D Project Portfolios / Ian C. MacMillan and Rita Gunther McGrath -- 25. Making the Most of Your Company's Knowledge: A Strategic Framework / Georg von Krogh, Ikujiro Nonaka and Manfred Aben -- 26. Crisis Construction and Organizational Learning: Capability Building in Catching-Up at Hyundai Motor / Linsu Kim -- 27. Learning from Collaboration: Knowledge and Networks in the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries / Walter W. Powell -- 28. Organizing Knowledge / John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid -- 29. Organizing and Leading "Heavyweight" Development Teams / Kim B. Clark and Steven C. Wheelwright -- 30. Making Teamwork Work: Boundary Management in Product Development Teams / Deborah Gladstein Ancona and David F. Caldwell -- 31. Strategic Linking / David A. Nadler and Michael L. Tushman -- 32. Coevolving: At Last, a Way to Make Synergies Work / Kathleen M. Eisenhardt and D. Charles Galunic -- 33. Strategies for Managing Internal Competition / Julian Birkinshaw -- 34. Technology Brokering and Innovation in a Product Development Firm / Andrew Hargadon and Robert I. Sutton -- 35. Involving Suppliers in New Product Development / Robert B. Handfield, Gary L. Ragatz, Kenneth J. Petersen and Robert M. Monczka -- 36. Creating New Ventures from Bell Labs Technologies / Henry W. Chesbrough and Stephen J. Socolof -- 37. Convergence and Upheaval: Managing the Unsteady Pace of Organizational Evolution / Michael L. Tushman, William H. Newman and Elaine Romanelli -- 38. Time Pacing: Competing in Markets That Won't Stand Still / Kathleen M. Eisenhardt and Shona L. Brown -- 39. Implementing New Designs: Managing Organizational Change / David A. Nadler and Michael L. Tushman -- 40. Beyond the Charismatic Leader: Leadership and Organizational Change / David A. Nadler and Michael L. Tushman -- 41. Strategy as Vector and the Inertia of Coevolutionary Lock-In / Robert A. Burgelman -- 42. Change in the Presence of Fit: The Rise, the Fall, and the Renaissance of Liz Claiborne / Nicolaj Siggelkow.
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