Disputes in everyday life [electronic resource] : social and moral orders of children and young people /
by Danby, Susan; Theobald, Maryanne.
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Introduction : disputes in everyday life : social and moral orders of children and young people / Susan Danby, Maryanne Theobald -- Category relations, omnirelevance, and children's disputes / Stephen Hester, Sally Hester -- Will, you've got to share : disputes during family mealtime / Gillian Busch -- Responding to directives : what can children do when a parent tells them what to do? / Alexandra Kent -- "Pretend I was Mummy" : children's production of authority and subordinance in their pretend play interaction during disputes / Charlotte Cobb-Moore -- Being doggy : disputes embedded in preschoolers' family role-play / Polly Bj�ork-Will�en -- Working towards trouble : some categorial resources for accomplishing disputes in a correctional youth facility / Jakob Cromdal, Karin Osvaldsson -- Tattling and dispute resolution : moral order, emotions and embodiment in the teacher-mediated disputes of young second language learners / Asta Cekaite -- Challenging and orienting to monolingual school norms in Turkish American children's peer disputes and classroom negotiations at a U.S. Turkish Saturday school / Seyda Deniz Tarim, Amy Kyratzis -- "A problem of versions" : laying down the law in the school playground / Maryanne Theobald, Susan Danby -- Conditional threats in young children's peer interaction / Amelia Church, Sally Hester -- When verbal disputes get physical / Amanda Bateman -- School bullying and the micro-politics of girls' gossip disputes / Ann-Carita Evaldsson, Johanna Svahn -- The logic of conflict : practices of social control among inner city Neapolitan girls / Heather Loyd -- When "yes" turns to "no" : young children's disputes during computer game playing in the home / Christina Davidson -- Disputes, stakes and game involvement : facing death in computer gaming / Bj�orn Sj�oblom, Karin Aronsson.
Volume 15 of Sociological Studies of Children and Youth investigates the interactional procedures used by children and young people as disputes arise in varying contexts of their everyday life. Disputes are a topic of angst and anxiety for children, young people and adults alike, and yet are important times for interactional matters to be addressed. A particular intention of the book is its ethnomethodological focus, bringing a fine-grained analysis and understanding to disputes and related interactional matters. Such analysis highlights the in situ competency of children and young people as they manage their social relationships and disputes to offer insight into how children arrange their social lives within the context of school, home, neighbourhood, correctional, club and after school settings. This volume offers a contemporary understanding of the relational matters of childrens peer cultures to better understand and address the complex nature of children and young peoples everyday lives in todays society. Papers include: when verbal disputes get physical; conditional threats in young childrens peer interaction; and young childrens disputes during computer game playing.
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