Building intelligent information systems software : introducing the unit modeler development technology / [electronic resource]
by Feigenbaum, Thomas D [author].
Material type:
Building Intelligent Information Systems Software shows scientists and engineers how to build applications that model complex information, data, and knowledge without the need for coding. Traditional software development takes time and leads to inflexible, complicated applications that almost, but don't exactly, meet the intended needs. Requirements can change, sometimes mid-development, and adapting existing systems can be difficult. Individual solutions can be incompatible, leading to information silos and inefficiency throughout an organization. This book offers a solution - the Information Unit Model, an innovative architecture for translating domain knowledge into applications. By encapsulating the complexities of computing, the Unit Model allows engineers to focus on business or experimental needs. Author Tom Feigenbaum, inventor of the Unit Modeler, demonstrates this innovative software architecture for rapid application design and development. His approach promotes repurposing pre-existing tools and libraries, and collaborating across the cloud, to promote information sharing and efficient development practices. Each concept is illustrated with examples including file management, data management, and 3D visualization.
Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Contents; About the Author; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgments; Part 1 -- Introduction; Information-based applications; Intelligence; Difficulties of current technologies; A brief tour of Unit Modeler technology; The Unit Modeler desktop; Standard library components; Data analytics package; Analytics workbench; Expression editor; Data sets; Surface plot creator; Geometry calculator; Database query and connect; Commercial Applications; ASE echo test and teach; Medical image correlation; Bakehouse purchasing application; Workspaces.
Elsevier book examples workspaceThe Development Package; Part 2 -- Modeling fundamentals; What is a model; The information Unit Model; A simple example: checking account; The Information Unit; Elements; Operators; Paths and relations; Structures; Classes; Attributes; Types; Boolean; Class; Complex number; Date; Expression; File data; Holder; List; Matrix; Number; Process; Rich text; Text; Time; Timestamp; Unit; Constraint lists; Types of classes; Base classes and instances; Copying classes/creating a class instance; Top-level classes; Processes; The parts of a process; The process unit.
ParametersVariables; Operation steps; Truth values; Error paths; Return values; Shocks and process flow; Categories of processes; Action processes; Utility processes; Tool processes; Launch processes; Directives; Objects; Domains; Domain categories; Domain types; Dynamic loading; Other topics; Stars (*); Complex elements; Basic operations within a process; Setting and removing elements; Basic math operations; Decision points; Looping over the elements of a unit; Shocking a process; Setting truth values; Showing a form; Creating and evaluating expressions; Mapping elements; String manipulation.
User interface and interaction. Prompts; Unit selection; Copying structures; Creating new units; Adding and removing paths; Virtual elements; References in processes; Compose and decompose; The General Modeling Process; Structural design; Step 1: Define the domain; Step 2: Identify the Unit Model structures; Example: A+B=C calculator; General Modeling Process; Functional Design: Modeling Processes; Continuing the example; Step 3: Create the processes; How do processes get shocked?; Part 3 -- Reuse of models and the domain libraries; Encapsulation; Max Calculator encapsulation example.
Test Creator: encapsulation exampleReuse of models; Finding reusable components; Mechanisms for reusing components; Assists in the Development Resource Center; Creating a class instance; Class attributes; Areas of support; Modeling Structures; Classes; Processes; Elements; Loops; Decision points; Getting information; Unit manipulation; Lists; Computer technology; Forms/graphical user interfaces; Showing forms; Printing; Visualizations; Overview; The graph class; Tools; Assists; Custom plots; Animation; Video; Databases; Web services; Network communication; File manipulation.
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