Algebraic identification and estimation methods in feedback control systems / [electronic resource]
by Sira Ramírez, Hebertt J.
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Series Preface; Preface; Chapter 1 Introduction; 1.1 Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems; 1.1.1 Feedback; 1.1.2 Why Do We Need Feedback?; 1.2 The Parameter Identification Problem; 1.2.1 Identifying a System; 1.3 A Brief Survey on Parameter Identification; 1.4 The State Estimation Problem; 1.4.1 Observers; 1.4.2 Reconstructing the State via Time Derivative Estimation; 1.5 Algebraic Methods in Control Theory: Differences from Existing Methodologies; 1.6 Outline of the Book; References; Chapter 2 Algebraic Parameter Identification in Linear Systems.
2.1 Introduction2.1.1 The Parameter-Estimation Problem in Linear Systems; 2.2 Introductory Examples; 2.2.1 Dragging an Unknown Mass in Open Loop; 2.2.2 A Perturbed First-Order System; 2.2.3 The Visual Servoing Problem; 2.2.4 Balancing of the Plane Rotor; 2.2.5 On the Control of the Linear Motor; 2.2.6 Double-Bridge Buck Converter; 2.2.7 Closed-Loop Behavior; 2.2.8 Control of an unknown variable gain motor; 2.2.9 Identifying Classical Controller Parameters; 2.3 A Case Study Introducing a ""Sentinel'' Criterion; 2.3.1 A Suspension System Model; 2.4 Remarks; References.
Chapter 3 Algebraic Parameter Identification in Nonlinear Systems3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Algebraic Parameter Identification for Nonlinear Systems; 3.2.1 Controlling an Uncertain Pendulum; 3.2.2 A Block-Driving Problem; 3.2.3 The Fully Actuated Rigid Body; 3.2.4 Parameter Identification Under Sliding Motions; 3.2.5 Control of an Uncertain Inverted Pendulum Driven by a DC Motor; 3.2.6 Identification and Control of a Convey Crane; 3.2.7 Identification of a Magnetic Levitation System; 3.3 An Alternative Construction of the System of Linear Equations; 3.3.1 Genesio-Tesi Chaotic System.
3.3.2 The Ueda Oscillator3.3.3 Identification and Control of an Uncertain Brushless DC Motor; 3.3.4 Parameter Identification and Self-tuned Control for the Inertia Wheel Pendulum; 3.3.5 Algebraic Parameter Identification for Induction Motors; 3.3.6 A Criterion to Determine the Estimator Convergence: The Error Index; 3.4 Remarks; References; Chapter 4 Algebraic Parameter Identification in Discrete-Time Systems; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Algebraic Parameter Identification in Discrete-Time Systems; 4.2.1 Main Purpose of the Chapter; 4.2.2 Problem Formulation and Assumptions.
4.2.3 An Introductory Example4.2.4 Samuelson's Model of the National Economy; 4.2.5 Heating of a Slab from Two Boundary Points; 4.2.6 An Exact Backward Shift Reconstructor; 4.3 A Nonlinear Filtering Scheme; 4.3.1 Hénon System; 4.3.2 A Hard Disk Drive; 4.3.3 The Visual Servo Tracking Problem; 4.3.4 A Shape Control Problem in a Rolling Mill; 4.3.5 Algebraic Frequency Identification of a Sinusoidal Signal by Means of Exact Discretization; 4.4 Algebraic Identification in Fast-Sampled Linear Systems; 4.4.1 The Delta-Operator Approach: A Theoretical Framework; 4.4.2 Delta-Transform Properties.
"Presents a model-based algebraic approach to on-line parameter and state estimation in uncertain dynamic feedback control systemsAlgebraic Identification and Estimation Methods in Feedback Control Systems presents the model-based algebraic approach to on-line parameter and state estimation in uncertain dynamic feedback control systems. This approach evades the mathematical intricacies of the traditional stochastic approach, proposing a direct model-based scheme with several, easy to implement, computational advantages. This book contains many illustrative, tutorial style, developed examples of the recently introduced algebraic approach for parameter and state estimation in a variety of physical systems of continuous, and discrete, nature. The developments include some laboratory experimental results in several areas related to mechatronics systems. The reader, with an engineering level mathematical background and through the many expository examples, will be able to master the use and understand the consequences of the highly theoretical differential algebraic viewpoint in control systems theory"-- Provided by publisher.
"Algebraic Identification and Estimation Methods in Feedback Control Systems presents the model-based algebraic approach to on-line parameter and state estimation in uncertain dynamic feedback control systems"-- Provided by publisher.
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