A sneetch is a sneetch and other philosophical discoveries : finding wisdom in children's literature / [electronic resource]
by Wartenberg, Thomas E.
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
Harold and the purple crayon: can you get wet swimming in an imaginary ocean? -- The important book: is a leopard without its spots still a leopard? -- Shrek!: could a dead skunk smell good? -- Let's do nothing: can you just do nothing at all? -- Knuffle Bunny: how do you know I'm angry if I don't say so? -- Many moons: do experts really know more? -- Yellow and pink: could human life have arisen purely by chance? -- Morris the Moose: how do you know when you've made a mistake? -- Emily's art: what's the difference between saying the Mona Lisa is a great painting and vanilla is your favorite flavor? -- Miss Nelson is missing!: is it okay for adults to deceive kids? -- The giving tree: how can it be wrong to give someone what they want? -- "Cookies": what good is having will-power if you don't have any more cookies? -- Frederick: can you enjoy doing something even if it's work? -- The sneetches: isn't it all right to discriminate in choosing your friends? -- The paper bag princess: what's wrong with "living happily ever after"? -- The big orange splot: is there anything wrong with conformity? -- Taking picture books seriously -- MS 1: who's who: thumbnail biographies of the philosophers -- MS 2: what's what: key philosophical terms -- MS 3: next steps: even more philosophical picture books -- MS 4: next steps: digger deeper into philosophy.
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