Malware diffusion models for modern complex networks : [electronic resource] theory and applications /
by Karyotis, Vasileios [author.]; Khouzani, M. H. R [author.].
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Malware Diffusion Models for Wireless Complex Networks: Theory and Applications provides a timely update on malicious software (malware), a serious concern for all types of network users, from laymen to experienced administrators. As the proliferation of portable devices, namely smartphones and tablets, and their increased capabilities, has propelled the intensity of malware spreading and increased its consequences in social life and the global economy, this book provides the theoretical aspect of malware dissemination, also presenting modeling approaches that describe the behavior and dynamics of malware diffusion in various types of wireless complex networks. Sections include a systematic introduction to malware diffusion processes in computer and communications networks, an analysis of the latest state-of-the-art malware diffusion modeling frameworks, such as queuing-based techniques, calculus of variations based techniques, and game theory based techniques, also demonstrating how the methodologies can be used for modeling in more general applications and practical scenarios.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Print version record.
Front Cover; Malware Diffusion Models for Modern Complex Networks; Copyright; Table of Contents; Preface; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1 MALWARE DIFFUSION MODELING FRAMEWORK; 1 Fundamentals of Complex Communications Networks; 1.1 Introduction to Communications Networks and Malicious Software; 1.2 A Brief History of Communications Networks and Malicious Software; 1.2.1 From Computer to Communications Networks; 1.2.2 The Emergence and Proliferation of Wireless Networks; 1.2.3 Malicious Software and the Internet; 1.3 Complex Networks and Network Science; 1.3.1 Complex Networks
1.3.2 Network Science1.3.3 Network Graphs Primer; 2 Malware Diffusion in Wired and Wireless Complex Networks; 2.1 Diffusion Processes and Malware Diffusion; 2.1.1 General Diffusion Processes; 2.1.2 Diffusion of Malware in Communication Networks; 2.2 Types of Malware Outbreaks in Complex Networks; 2.3 Node Infection Models; 3 Early Malware Diffusion Modeling Methodologies; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Basic Epidemics Models; 3.2.1 Simple (Classical) Epidemic Model -- SI Model; 3.2.2 General Epidemic Model: Kermack-McKendrick Model; 3.2.3 Two-factor Model; 3.2.4 Dynamic Quarantine
3.3 Other Epidemics Models3.3.1 Epidemics Model in Scale-free Networks; 3.3.2 Generalized Epidemics-Endemics Models; 3.4 Miscellaneous Malware Modeling Models; 3.5 Scope and Achievements of Epidemics; 2 STATE-OF-THE-ART MALWARE MODELING FRAMEWORKS; 4 Queuing-based Malware Diffusion Modeling; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Malware Diffusion Behavior and Modeling via Queuing Techniques; 4.2.1 Basic Assumptions; 4.2.2 Mapping of Malware Diffusion to a Queuing Problem; 4.3 Malware Diffusion Modeling in Nondynamic Networks; 4.3.1 Evaluation Metrics; 4.3.2 Steady-state Behavior and Analysis
4.4 Malware Diffusion Modeling in Dynamic Networks with Churn4.4.1 Malware Diffusion Models and Network Churn; 4.4.2 Open Queuing Network Theory for Modeling Malware Spreading in Complex Networks with Churn; 4.4.3 Analysis of Malware Propagation in Networks with Churn; 4.4.4 Demonstration of Queuing Framework for Malware Spreading in Complex and Wireless Networks; 5 Malware-Propagative Markov Random Fields; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Markov Random Fields Background; 5.2.1 Markov Random Fields; 5.2.2 Gibbs Distribution and Relation to MRFs; 5.2.3 Gibbs Sampling and Simulated Annealing
5.3 Malware Diffusion Modeling Based on MRFs5.4 Regular Networks; 5.4.1 Chain Networks; 5.4.2 Regular Lattices: Finite and Infinite Grids; 5.5 Complex Networks with Stochastic Topologies; 5.5.1 Random Networks; 5.5.2 Small-world Networks; 5.5.3 Scale-free Networks; 5.5.4 Random Geometric Networks; 5.5.5 Comparison of Malware Diffusion in Complex Topologies; 6 Optimal Control Based Techniques; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Example -- an Optimal Dynamic Attack: Seek and Destroy; 6.2.1 Dynamics of State Evolution; 6.2.2 Objective Functional; 6.3 Worm's Optimal Control
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