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Katz, william

Your library/ william katz - 2nd ed. - new york: harcourt brace jovanoich, c1984 - xiv,242 p.: ill.,tabs.; 24 cm.

includes index

1.Get your bearings 2.Ask the librarians 3.The research paper 4.The card catalog 5.What to look up 6.Reference works 7.Encyclopedias and dictionaries 8.Periodical indexes 9.Indexes: variations on a theme 10.The computer in the library 11.Ready reference sources 12.Biography 13.Government documents 14.Non-book materials 15.Introduction:Bibliographies and subject sources 16.The humanities 17.Social sciences 18.Science and technology

Undergraduate, Graduate and Researchers.


reference books

025.52 / KAL
Last Updated on September 22, 2019
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